
sweet sixteen.

December 18, 2008

So, this little ditty has been passed around Facebook recently. I’ve been on the receiving end twice. Instead of posting it there, however, I’ll post it here. (Especially since I haven’t paid much attention to this little site lately. Blame the extremely busy holiday music season and PIAA football.)

The concept is to write 16 random things about yourself that people might not know. Then you’re supposed to send it to 16 people and they’re supposed to write 16 things … and the chain goes on.

I’m going to write here. More than 16 people will see this. (I hope.) If you feel like playing along, please do. Otherwise, learn a little bit more about me.

1. I was born with a cleft lip. (This explains the little bump on my face right under my nose … that I’ll never fix. It’s a part of me now … and I kind of like it.)

2. I’ve always been a night owl. Guess that’s what happens when you’re born in the middle of the night. (2:52 a.m. to be exact.)

3. I’m a princess. No, really. I am. 1991 Little Miss Corry. And I still have the tiara to prove it.

4. I’ve never been to Chicago or Las Vegas. (Much to Tom’s chagrin!)

5. In all honesty, I really don’t mind the snow. In fact, I think it’s quite pretty. Until I have to drive in it. Then I hate it beyond belief.

6. I’ve been on two national morning TV shows in my lifetime. The first was standing out in a torrential downpour outside the Today Show studios in Rockefeller Plaza during my 11th grade class trip to New York City. I looked like a wet dog and the ink on our signs all ran. The second time was much more lux. I was flown up, by CBS, along with my professor to appear on the CBS Saturday Early Show to discuss Robert Morris University’s documentary on Sept. 11, “America Talks.” I was interviewed by Gretchen Carlson, who’s now on CNN I believe. Russ Mitchell was there too. We stayed at the Parker Meridian hotel, overlooking Central Park. Everything was comped for us by CBS. We were in and out of the city in less than 24 hours. A whirlwind, to say the least. But one of the best experiences of my life.

7. While my writing passion really is in covering sports, I never really played any through high school. I was on the basketball team until junior high … and bowled for a while. That’s it.

8. Instead of sports, I was a three-year varsity cheerleader. For wrestling. Not kidding. Oh, and I was a band geek. A very proud band geek.

9. My favorite color is navy blue.

10. Technically, I’ve never been a bridesmaid. I was the maid of honor in my sister’s wedding, and the co-maid of honor in my best friend’s wedding. Although that may change if my friends keep getting engaged …

11. All of my instruments have names. My keyboard is Emma. My two flutes are Oscar and Elmer. And my piccolo is Junior.

12. I’m not ashamed to admit that my favorite ride at Walt Disney World is Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin. I ride it at least four times every time I go visit.

13. There was a time in high school when I thought I wanted to be a pharmacist. (And why didn’t I stick with that thought? Huh.)

14. I can’t play the organ. Yes, I can play the piano. But I tried organ for four years. Couldn’t get the hang of the whole “feet” thing. So I stopped … and concentrated on piano. Probably the best decision I ever made. Yet my mom and my sister are both excellent organists. Go figure. (And no, I don’t have a music degree, contrary to apparent popular belief.)

15. I am hopelessly addicted to Pepsi, mochas from Starbucks (preferably grande, skim with light whip), and Grandma’s buckeyes.

16. I’m proud of where I grew up. I love to visit there. It’s such a refreshing change of pace to go to a place where life is truly savored. My whole family is there. (And I almost mean that literally.) But I could never imagine going back there to live permanently. I’ve changed too much. And I’m not sure whether or not that’s a good thing.

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