Archive for the ‘the fam’ Category



December 3, 2008

I just returned from playing the piano at a small gathering at a little Presbyterian church in a neighboring community.

It was an Advent Morning Prayer service … the first of four to be held every Wednesday morning until Christmas. It was all of 30 minutes long. Events consisted of two hymns, two prayers, two responsive readings, a scripture reading, and a short meditation by the pastor.

The grand total in attendance? Six. Well, OK. Eight, if you count the pastor and me. The age of the average attendee? Probably somewhere around 67.

It was a very nice little service. And I got to chat with every person in attendance afterward, who each individually came up, shook my hand, and thanked me for playing the piano so they could sing. One lady apologized for not having that many people there. I told her that the size of the congregation didn’t matter. I was just happy to be there.

She kind of smiled when I said that, then agreed with me. “You’re right,” she said. “It doesn’t matter. As long as we’re here.”

It kind of put things in perspective for me. Again.

It’s been one of those kinds of weeks. Heck, it’s been one of those kinds of months. I’ve had thoughts about this post in my head and heart now for the better part of 10 days, and am just now finding the time to write it. Too busy? Yeah, probably. I’ve been devoting most of my writing time into PaPreps and getting it up and running with some sort of consistency. Then there’s all those rehearsals for all those upcoming Christmas concerts. And a trip home to spend time with family. Oh yeah, and that little thing known as a final project/paper due in grad school this week.

So, bear with me, as I revert back to last Thursday for a few minutes.

As kids, in school, most of us were required to write a paragraph or even an essay on what we were thankful for right around Thanksgiving time. But do we take the time to do that as adults? I know I haven’t in a long time, so here’s my list, albeit shortened. Read the rest of this entry ?


news and notes.

September 15, 2008

Or, in honor of Tina Fey’s appearance on Saturday Night Live (which was hilarious if you didn’t see it), how about a Weekend Update?

football, sorta:

Saw a lot of friends I haven’t seen in a while this weekend. Spent the early part of the afternoon Saturday standing outside in a constant drizzle in the parking lot outside the Robert Morris football game. You know, that lovely thing we call “tailgating.” Never went into the game. Left well before halftime because our steady drizzle became more of a steady downpour. But the food was fantastic, as was the company. Will definitely be back for the next home game. Hopefully next time, though, the Colonials will bring home the win. And it won’t rain.


Penn State? Really? 55-13? I like it. A lot. Although I am ready to see them play a real team. Big wins are nice and all, but let’s see what they’re made of already.

My sympathies to The Ohio State and Michigan faithful. OK, not really.

We are …

breaking in the house:

Spent Saturday night with more friends. My lovely former upstairs neighbors had a bunch of people over for a housewarming at their new digs, just across the bridge. The house is lovely, their kitten is now suddenly a full-grown cat, and the food (again!) was fantastic. Sheesh. Now that I look back on it, all I did was eat on Saturday. And catch up with friends. It was a really late night, but it was worth it.


More food on Sunday. Mom and Dad stopped by on their way home from vacation. (Yes, I was jealous. Still am, actually. But they brought me back cool stuff, so I can’t complain. Too much.)

I love it when they come to town, though. Not just because they’re my parents and I don’t get to see them nearly enough, but because when they come to visit, I get to be a tourist and do those things that you tend to not do when you live here. Sunday’s excursion? A lunch trip to Jerome Bettis’ Grille 36 on the North Shore. It was fantastic. Definitely will go back there again. And they loved it too, which made it even better for me.

Since Sunday was so nice, we took a short little walk after lunch down on the riverwalk. It doesn’t matter how long I live here. I still can’t get enough of that skyline.

golden girl:

Received my final update from Jessica Long’s big Beijing adventure. She finished out of the medals in the 50-meter freestyle on Sunday night. So, her final tally? Four golds, one silver, one bronze. Fantastic stuff.

who’s in first?

That’d be me. *Insert smug grin here.*

Yep, I’ve officially squeaked out a win in Week 2 of the GBAPA Pick’em league. And, since the Man-Formerly-In-First-Place conveniently forgot to make his picks this week, after two weeks, I’m back atop the leaderboard. And yes, Week 2 is officially over. Because we all picked the Cowboys to win tonight, so the point is moot.

The best part? As I was watching the games yesterday afternoon, I thought I was getting killed. Who knew I’d pick the Raiders of all things? I love Monday morning surprises. Next week, though, I’m printing out my picks so I know who I’m supposed to be rooting for.

Armageddon (or close to it):

I went to the South Side to watch the Steelers play last night. Yes, it was windy. But I had NO idea how bad things really were out there … until I tried to drive home. No traffic signals on Route 65. Station Square completely dark. A really strange bright green flash as I drove up the hill into Sewickley. It was definitely an unsettling experience. And I count myself among the lucky ones – my power came back somewhere around 4 a.m. this morning.

But getting into the apartment was a bit of a struggle. It was, umm, dark. I used the glow from my cell phone to see to get in … and then to find my lighter. Thank goodness I have lots of candles. Unfortunately, most of them are scented.

It may have been dark, but man, did my apartment ever smell fruity! 

the irony:

My cell phone beeped at 5:45 a.m. this morning. It was RMU, telling me classes for the day had been cancelled due to the power outage.

My grad class is on Tuesday. Not Monday. Darn it.

and finally …

If you didn’t see the aforementioned SNL skit, watch it here. It’s worth the five minutes.

Now, if you don’t mind, I have to go open all my windows now.

As Colin Quinn would say, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.


news and notes.

August 19, 2008

Some random thoughts/happenings/musings over the past 24 hours or so around the league:

* Got another walk in last night in training for that 5K. I finished in 52 minutes. Not bad. My goal of breaking an hour definitely appears to be reachable.

* While on my walk, I came within 10 yards of two very young deer that appeared to be lost. They were hiding behind the bushes at one of those large houses that I’ll always dream about but never be able to afford. I’m not sure who startled whom first. But we stared at each other for about 30 seconds or so, waiting to see which of us was going to make the next move. Finally, I cautiously went across the street and continued walking, hoping that the two youngsters would gallivant across the street safely. Which they did. I only wish I would have had my camera with me, although that surely would have scared them.

* Also seen on my walk? Two little girls, practicing their gymnastic skills in their front yard. Made me reminisce of my days, watching the Olympics and then making up my mind that I was going to be a gold medalist. They want to be Shawn Johnson or Nastia Liukin. I wanted to be Kim Zmeskal. Remember her?

* I love it when things like this happen. And no, they don’t know each other.

* Today is my little sister’s second wedding anniversary with her lovely husband. Where has the time gone? Seems like just yesterday. Wow.

* In other news from the homefront, my Mom is now a proud Facebook user. You know the times have changed when you can’t get a phone call through to your parents because Mom is updating her friends list.

* Speaking of Facebook, I started a Blog Network for this little blog of mine. But I need 10 people to verify I’m the author. So, if you know me and you use Blog Network on Facebook, a little help would be appreciated!

* Big news from the friends. Robyn is on her way to Budapest … and she decided to start a blog about her big Hungarian adventure. Read it here. And, a super big congratulations to my newly-engaged friends, who I won’t name just yet, simply because I don’t want to ruin the news for anyone they haven’t told yet …

So, it’s been an interesting 24 hours. And it should only get more interesting, as I spend this afternoon discussing my educational future with my advisor. Guaranteed I’ll only be even more confused by tomorrow …


real strength.

June 4, 2008

Finally. I’m back. 

OK. So I’ve been back since Monday. It’s been a long process getting settled back in, then trying to get caught up on grad school work before class last night. Forgive me. 

It’s been a long stretch … and an inspiring one all at the same time.

When I was a little girl, I thought my Dad was invincible. He could beat anything, fix anything, make everything better. I found out this week that everything I believed was absolutely true.

Dad had triple bypass surgery one week ago today. He came home from the hospital on Sunday afternoon. The only way you’d really know anything had been done to him at all is the fact he’s taking a few more naps and carries around a big heart pillow that he has to hold against his chest when he coughs or sneezes. That and his pain medication sometimes makes him a bit loopy. But other than that, he’s just Dad. I’m still amazed by his strength. He’s doing better than any of us could have imagined.

I got back to my apartment, after a very full week of sitting in hospital waiting rooms and tracking down elevators to get to a lobby where I could actually use my cell phone, on Monday night in time to watch Game 5.

I called my parents during the first intermission to tell them I made it home OK.  Dad was still awake when I called, so Mom handed him the phone.

“Hi honey,” he said. “They’re looking good tonight. 2-0, huh?”

Game 5 was amazing. Yes, I was among the Pittsburghers who went to work incredibly tired on Tuesday morning because I stayed up until 12:46 a.m. to watch the winning goal.

The Pens may be young and inexperienced. But on Monday night, they proved their strength and determination.

It may be true that Gary Roberts can walk into a Burger King, order a Big Mac … and get it.

But I’m convinced the Pens’ strength Monday came from a page out of my Dad’s handbook.

*Photo courtesy Expy Photography.

tough stuff.

May 27, 2008

The day I’ve been dreading is finally here.

Dad’s surgery is tomorrow. I’m driving to Erie tonight, after I endure my first class meeting for Grad Class #5.

So … I’m going to be taking a little break from the corner. Will come back after things get back to normal … whatever normal is by then.

But hopefully it will come sooner rather than later.